The Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Centre aims at offering all our trainees a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best in the world of work, social and cultural life.
Whether it is our books or hands-on training, we make sure each trainee gets personal attention to cope up and flourish in every module for better scores and a brighter future.
Nature of training
Training in AVTC Limbe IS Predominantly Hands-on. Almost all of training is carried out in the work shops. therefore the acquisition of personal protective Equipment’s by trainees is non Negotiable.
Training Duration
Training in AVTC Limbe Is TWO Years Long segmented into four Semesters. Two Internship Sessions are Incorporated within the training program. the first session of internship is a continuation of the second semester. It concerns Trainees of the first Year and it is 2 months long. The second session of internship is for Trainees of the second Year and takes FOUR months
National Exams
Promotion to second Year is subject to passing the national Harmonized Examination. Trainees who do not pass the harmonized examination with the score of at least 12/20 cannot be admitted into the second year. consequently they cannot sit for the national end-of-course examination