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THRILLING FINALS OF DIRECTOR’S CUP AT LIMBE ADVANCED VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER Thursday, 6th March 2025, will be etched in the memories of the trainees and staff of Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Center for a long time. The day witnessed the…
Trainees of the Limbe Advanced Vocational Limbe are bracing up to write thier first semester examination for the Level 1 and the Third semester for the level 2. The examination will commence at exactly 8 am from Tuesday through to…
Celebrating Excellence: New Year Wishes and Achievements Mark a Joyous Start of 2025 for Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Center. 30th January, 2025 The Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Center kicked off the new year in a euphoric atmosphere as trainees, staff,…
Thursday the 19th of November was a great day for the limbe advanced vocational training. it was a day set aside to welcome fresh trainees into the avtc community. All Departments in AVTC Limbe News Uncategorized Matriculation Uncategorized Thursday the…
Low enrollment hampering functioning of Limbe Advance Vocational Training Centre Simon KallaMar 20, 20232 min read BY SIMON NDIVE KALLA The Director of the Advanced Vocational Training Centre in Mile 4, Limbe has lamented the very low enrolment…
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Co-curricular Activities

Since our training is psychomotor in nature , sports is an integral part of our training. Our trainees are passionate about sports and athletics and have the freedom to choose the one they like and wish to take up. We also participate in inter-school, district, state and national level competitions.
In-house Publications
We have several writers who are encouraged to come up with creations that are regularly published in our in-house magazines. We host a book sale every 2 years to promote our writers and their work.

Performing Arts & Music
With professionals on board, we take pride in training our students in art forms like dance, drama, painting and more. We organize exhibitions, concerts and musical events to encourage our students to own their talent and flourish in those fields.