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Celebrating Excellence: New Year Wishes and Achievements Mark a Joyous Start of 2025 for Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Center.

 30th January, 2025 The Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Center kicked off the new year in a euphoric atmosphere as trainees, staff, and administrators gathered to celebrate the outstanding leadership and remarkable achievements of the center’s Director. The event, held on January 30, 2025, was a heartfelt compliment to the director’s dedication and vision, which has transformed the institution into a beacon of Vocational Training excellence.

          The celebration highlighted the Director’s numerous accomplishments, including a significant increase in enrollment, the establishment of a state-of-the-art multi-sport complex, and the creation of a conducive learning environment that has become a model for Vocational Training centers across the region. Graduates of the center also shared impressive testimonials, praising the high-quality training that has equipped them with the skills needed to thrive in their respective fields.

         In his address, the director expressed deep gratitude to the Head of State, the government, and the Minister of Vocational Training, H.E. Issa Tchiroma, for their unwavering support in advancing the center’s mission. He emphasized that these achievements would not have been possible without their commitment to Vocational Training and youth empowerment.

         The event was further graced by the presence of the Mayor of Limbe City Council, represented by the First Deputy Mayor, who commended the director’s leadership and the center’s contributions to the community. The mayor’s representative reiterated the city council’s support for the center’s initiatives and its role in fostering economic growth and development in the region.

          As the celebration concluded, attendees reflected on the center’s journey and looked forward to a future of continued excellence. The event not only served as a moment of appreciation for the director’s hard work but also as a rallying call to build on the successes of the past and strive for even greater achievements in the years to come.

Here’s🥂 to a bright future for the Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Center and its unwavering commitment to empowering the next generation of skilled professionals!

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